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sIFR integration?

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have seen a thing called sIFR on the net a few times, and am very impressed with it. (scalable Inman Flash Replacement; created by Shawn Inman, now being managed by Mike Davidson). Basically what it does is this: it uses a combination of flash, javascript, and css to go through and replace certain text in the page with an equivalent flash version of it, and then hides the original text. If the user doesn't have flash, then it doesn't replace it, and they just see the original text. What this does for the web developer is allows them to use ANY font on their website, (and flash renders the fonts really smooth) while still allowing maximum compatibility for text only browsers, or page "readers" for the blind, etc. the "explanation" page is here: the wiki documentation page is here: the example "sIFR-ified" page is here: ANYWAYS... php is definitely not my expertise, but it seems like it would be pretty simple to integrate this with vanilla, and have administrators be able to use their "options" page to specify a font for the main page title, discussion titles, etc. (you can use sIFR to replace the body of a page, but it is highly discouraged) The only downside to sIFR in general, is that you have to use the ".fla" file; edit the font in flash cs3 (or cs2, etc.) to export the font as a ".swf" file; so only users that own flash cs3 can export fonts. fyi: sIFR is free, open source, etc. so someone should take a look at this and see just how possible it is, and potentially start on it. -zane edit: spelling errors
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