Ignore Function

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Has anyone thought of an 'ignore this user' function or mod for Vanilla? It's a useful tool against trolls and other idiots and is a step below banning people after complaints. Any thoughts? I've been thinking very hard about how to either educate or weed out trolls from boards recently, my own is still recovering from a recent infestation.


  • you can block their html and the board itself has pretty good spam protection. As for blocking their posts alltogether, that wouldnt be such a tough extension but i dont think its been done yet
  • i've actually been asked if this was possible by a few members of my board as well.
  • I've never liked the idea of letting users ignore other users. It discourages discussion and encourages closemindedness.
  • @jesusphreak: It would give users an option though. It's an interesting idea. If someone did create an extension I would definitely load it. It reminds me of how many times I've blocked comments from certain users on Digg. There's close mindedness, and there's inconveniance. I guess it depends on what side of the fence you're standing on.

  • If someone makes this extension, it should leave the space for the comment and say something like "1 comment blocked from username" and then have the option to show the comment (css hide/show?). That way if the discussion starts to not make sense, you can read the blocked comment on a comment-by-comment basis.
  • You know right after my previous post I realized that blocking comments without some kind of place holder would definitely make it challenging to track discussions lol.

  • Yeah, on the old forum I wrote I had a very primative ignore option and when you had it enabled, threads didn't make much sense. I came up with this idea in class one day when I was daydreaming. I never implemented it, though. I had plans to in the revision i was writing, but then I found vanilla and gave up on my revision. =)
  • tell you what, i like the 'mark as irrelevant' feature on yh :)
  • go back to yh!
  • edited September 2005
    lol, i was err... just saying... :) maybe i could have phrased it differently, as in - how about an ignore feature that the thread starter can use for people posting in his thread? that way, he can choose if the poster in on/off topic, and hide if necessary (yet, the reader has the option to show the post, as mentioned earlier, incase the discussion becomes unreadable). there, how was that? ok, it sounds the same, right?
  • Ehh, the irrelevant/block user functions on YH are nice, but not too great if you see how they really work. Plus in order for it to work on vanilla, it would probably include a major rewrite or slight overhaul. If anything, I presume something like this would be better available in the form of an extension rather than a core feature.
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