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AddWhere sqlbuilder function

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How do i create double parenthesis
I want this sql code
WHERE (CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = '0' or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = 0 or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked is null ) AND ((Event.StartDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.StartDate <= '2007-11-30' ) OR (Event.EndDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.EndDate <= '2007-11-30' ))
notice their are 2 parenthesis after the first AND logic
I have this so far
$sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 0, '=', 'and', '', 1, 1); $sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 0, '=', 'or', '', 0); $sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 'null', 'is', 'or', '', 0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-01' , '>=', 'AND', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-01', '>=', 'OR', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup();
which gives me this
WHERE (CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = '0' or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = 0 or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked is null ) AND (Event.StartDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.StartDate <= '2007-11-30' ) OR (Event.EndDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.EndDate <= '2007-11-30' )
cannot use $sql->StartWhereGroup() as below
$sql->StartWhereGroup() ; $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-01' , '>=', 'AND', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-01', '>=', 'OR', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->EndWhereGroup();
cause then the AND logic disappears. and i get this
WHERE (CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = '0' or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = 0 or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked is null ) ((Event.StartDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.StartDate <= '2007-11-30' ) OR (Event.EndDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.EndDate <= '2007-11-30' ))
which isn't a valid query. Its because AddWhere function won't add the AppendMethod (AND) if it detects a starting parenthesis, Thats why using $sql->StartWhereGroup() makes the query invalid.
here is the offending code in the AddWhere()
if (!empty($sWheres) && substr($sWheres,strlen($sWheres)-1) != '(') { $sWheres .= $AppendMethod.' '; }
this is correct if you DON'T have any existing WHERE and a fresh where group is being started, However, if their is an existing WHERE than this function results in invalid query


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    edited November 2007
    Did you try $sql->StartWhereGroup() ; $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-01' , '>=', 'AND', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'StartDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-01', '>=', 'OR', '', 1,1); $sql->AddWhere('Event', 'EndDate', '', '2007-11-30', '<=', 'AND', '', 1,0); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->EndWhereGroup(); $sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 0, '=', 'and', '', 1, 1); $sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 0, '=', 'or', '', 0); $sql->AddWhere('CalendarRoleBlock', 'Blocked', '', 'null', 'is', 'or', '', 0); $sql->EndWhereGroup();?

    It **may be** get
    WHERE ((Event.StartDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.StartDate <= '2007-11-30' ) OR (Event.EndDate >= '2007-11-01' AND Event.EndDate <= '2007-11-30' )) AND (CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = '0' or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked = 0 or CalendarRoleBlock.Blocked is null ) , sorry I didn't try, just guess.
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    edited November 2007
    No cannot do that either. the first part is generated by a different fucntion than the second part. i just put it in one place for clarity. I cannot switch the order, let say that for now.
    they should both append nicely. Its a bug in AddWhere

    here is the offending code in the AddWhere()
    if (!empty($sWheres) && substr($sWheres,strlen($sWheres)-1) != '(') { $sWheres .= $AppendMethod.' '; }
    this is correct if you DON'T have any existing WHERE and a fresh where group is being started, However, if their is an existing WHERE than this function results in invalid query by NOT adding the necessary append method
    So the fucntion needs to be changed so it works for "WHERE (blah) AND (" but not this "WHERE ("
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    edited November 2007
    I say get ride of the substr($sWheres,strlen($sWheres)-1) != '('
    no need to detect the opening parenthesis. without it we will get this "WHERE AND blah", which is wrong but then i won't use AND in my AddWhere function parameters.
    Simple either get ride of it, which will might break existing code that uses an appendmethod when their is no existing clause (sloppy coding)
    or figure out a more complex way of checking that allows an opening bracket if a closing bracket already exists, essentially looking for ") ("
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    edited November 2007
    Yes, it will be great.

    I just think, if the code in GetWheres() which if ($StartWhereGroup) $sWheres .= '('; change to if ($StartWhereGroup) $sWheres .= str_repeat('(', $StartWhereGroup); and remove $StartWhereGroup = ForceBool($StartWhereGroup, 0);
    We can create multi-parenthesis as wish use AddWhere. (but it may be ugly.)
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    edited November 2007
    To me the cleanest mod would be to change StartWhereGroup to accept an optional AppendMethod string. Something like:

    function StartWhereGroup($AppendMethod = '') { $this->Wheres[] = ' ' . $AppendMethod . ' ('; }

    Then use StartWhereGroup as many times as necessary to get the desired groupings.
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    mattucf that is perfect, solution, simple and won't brake anything
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