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Don't like to turn off

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Seems like it's more trouble than it's worth. Is there a way to turn off this feature?


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    don't use it. take off the permission from all your roles.
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    Thanks. I turned it off. Curiously, when a user sinks a thread, does the thread stay sunk just for them or everyone?
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    edited November 2007
    Everyone. However anyone can unsink it, as well. And both actions are anonymous. Pretty combustible - I think you're wise to turn it off.
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    Why give users the ability to sink/unsink? That's like giving them moderating ability, leave it to the admins and then you can use it when you want to.
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    edited November 2007
    Right. edit: Veteran: what ADM & Minisweeper are saying is sink power should be mods-only, & normally is (though not on my ill-advised board). Addresses your concerns, right?

    (For users, personal sinking would be useful - a finer-grained version of "block discussion." )
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    Inactive discussions sink naturally but active ones dont - sometimes it's deemed inappropriate for them to keep reappearing though but you dont necessarily want to cut down conversations altogether. It's a slightly less restrictive step to closing the discussion. It may feel like a put down but in that case it just encourages them to move off the topic but without annoying other forum users if they did wish to continue. As for sink/unsink spats, that's entirely down to the mentality of your moderators. If they cant work in harmony together then...well maybe they shouldn't. It's hardly setting a great example for the rest of the users otherwise. Personal sinking would be pretty cool. It would add quite a bit of processing to the DB call though I think.
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    Yes what ADM & Minisweeper said does address the issue. I turned it off because that's one crazy setting.
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    Pogo it seems that your board is run by nutters (which is a shame cause andy's a pretty darn good tennis player!) which is spoiling your view of vanilla somewhat. Maybe you could try and get a few people who care to take it over?
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    Minisweeper - I've been converted to a fan of Vanilla and its community by coming here - for the site, it's too late. The non-techie administrator has made his decision - company called Bluhalo taking over - Vanilla's out.
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    Oh. Shame.
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    i don't if it does it. but all sinked discussion should have a message right before the firsr comment per page. "This discussion is now sinked, you can continue to discuss it, It's advisable to bookmark this discussion so you don't loose track of it."
This discussion has been closed.