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whisper email nofiation

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
can we have an addon that makes it so when we get a whisper we get an email and it says you have received a whisper from "user" on ""
or something like that


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    I guess you can. Did you try to search an addon with, say, 'notification' as a keyword?
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    i have looked at all the addons but maybe one of them slipped past me but i don't think there is such a thing but maybe there is i might have missed it thanks anyway ^^
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    Did you try to search for whisper notification in the addon page ?
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    yeah i saw that i wanted to receive an email when i got a new whisper ^^ thanxz though
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    did you see that 'notify' does this ?
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    oh sorry... i kinda looked at it but i was a bit confused .... i take another look thanxz a gain
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