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Removing block category option

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a simple way to remove the "block category" option from the category page. I'm not displaying my discussion tab so that option will only create confusion amoung users.


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    Several ways--add this to themes/vanilla/styles/default.vanilla.css: li.CategoryOptions, li.CategoryOptions a { display: none; }

    Or add this to conf/language.php (you can look for other words to change by looking in languages/english/definitions.php):$Context->Dictionary['Options'] = ''; $Context->Dictionary['BlockCategory'] = '';

    Or my preferred, but most complicated, method--go into the themes folder, copy categories.php into the vanilla folder inside the themes folder, (this way it will stay safe if you update vanilla) and remove lines 29-40, starting with IF and ending with }. You will see the block category stuff inside that block.
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    Thanks WallPhone for taking the time to respond to my question. It is appreciated.
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