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Formatting refuses to apply after domain change...

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone. I've recently installed Vanilla to a domain on one of my sites. I use and if you're familiar with the way they do things.. you have one "master domain" and can route new domain addresses ( to any directory in your hosting account. To test Vanilla, I installed to a directory called "forum" within a test directory. So for example, my installation could be viewed by going to Once I had everything set up the way I wanted, I changed the path settings using Vanilla's SETTINGS tab to reflect the new domain I set up a few days ago ( Vanilla will display when you go to, but without any formatting. I checked out this post: and read where Mark suggested clicking going to "Themes/Styles" and applying the default style to all users. That didn't work. The site still calls up without any formatting. Any pointers? Thanks a bunch!


  • Options
    You can try to delete any records in the *style table and try again to set the style for all users.
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