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Customfields help

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is a cool but difficult feature to implement
What i want is each calendar to have it own set of custom fields, So when you go to Add Calendar Form you see this (admins only)



When you submit the form, the array is saved as such
$CustomFields[] = array(0 => array("CustomFieldName1" => "Website", "CustomFieldType1" => "Url"), 1 => array("CustomFieldName2" => "Location", "CustomFieldType1" => "String"));
Which I can serialize and save to the database.

Now when you go to the EventForm to create a new event, you select the calendar, and out pops that calendars custom fields like below

When you submit the form, the array is saved as such
$CustomFields[] = array(0 => array("CustomFieldName1" => "Website","CustomFieldValue1" => "", "CustomFieldType1" => "Url"), 1 => array("CustomFieldName2" => "Location","CustomFieldValue2" => "Central park NYC", "CustomFieldType2" => "String"));
Which I serialize and save to the database

Does this make sense so far, or you guys have a better idea or potential pitfalls with this method


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    Good! Is it possible to edit the data in the same fields later on if necessary?
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    thats the idea
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    edited November 2007
    Hi, What would be great, if you publish a calender, is to give (or not) a possibility for members to register for a specific event that is in the calender. I'd tried to explain what would be my need in that post :
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    did anyone find any problem with this approach
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    Sounds good to me!
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