ThankfulPeople User list

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi guys i'm italian so I don't speak english well. I installed the Add-ons called "Thankful People 1.2" Can someone help me to do a script that create a list of user whit the number of the "Thank" recived for each one? I really need this .... Thanks for help....


  • List of top 10 People, who recive most thanks is a good Idea. The problem is that In 'LUM_ThankfulPeople' are stored only ID of users who add thanks, AnD I don't know exactly how to create a list of people who recive it.
  • edited January 2008
    It would be easy.

    - Do a mysql Select, FROM ThankfulPeople.
    - JOIN the Comments table ON ThankfulPeople.CommetID == Comments.CommentID.
    - SELECT Comments.UserID/AuthorID (I forget what it's called).
    - Then, you, uh... I believe you would GROUP BY UserID/AuthorID.
    - Then SELECT count(UserID/AuthorID) AS Number.
    - ORDER BY Number DESC.
    - LIMIT to 10 entries.

    I think that would work, but it might require slightly different commands. Then you just display the data.
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