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How do I output a friendly url.
Hi guys,
I'm trying to put a little text box in every post which will have the linkback url inside it. I'd like the url to be static (friendly url). How can I make it so it echoes the friendly version of the posts url and not normal url.
Kind regards,
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sorry, I'm not sure to understand, do you want to make some kind of Comment Links?
I'm actually trying to achieve something like this:
GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'comments.php', '', 'DiscussionID', $Discussion->DiscussionID, '', '#Item_1', CleanupString($Discussion->Name).'/')
to build the url of the first post, maybe it will inspire you...
I'm trying to make an addon. I've keep getting the following however:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in
Is $this valid when being used in an addon?
I also tried using:
$this->Context->Configuration['BASE_URL'] .'?CommentID='. $Comment->CommentID;
& removing the ->Context bit
and got the same result.
$Context object is accessible from your default.php file.
for some more (and clearer) informations about object oriented programming...
$baseurl = $Context->Configuration['BASE_URL'];