member roll
gosh, i'm very active this month, so be patient with me guys 
ok here we go, its pretty self-explaining , well, member roll = randomly/with each page refresh, and the icons are the vanilla membericons, and in the case that there is none linked or uploaded: background: #FFFFF url('32x32.gif') left top no-repeat;
i thought latest discussion prime would be the perfect enviroment to start this off.

ps: i could help out with the complete css if neccesairy
*takes cover*

ok here we go, its pretty self-explaining , well, member roll = randomly/with each page refresh, and the icons are the vanilla membericons, and in the case that there is none linked or uploaded: background: #FFFFF url('32x32.gif') left top no-repeat;
i thought latest discussion prime would be the perfect enviroment to start this off.

ps: i could help out with the complete css if neccesairy
*takes cover*
This discussion has been closed.
well this wouldnt make sense to me, especially because youre who-is-online-addon looks pretty empty with only 10 or 20 active users a day. i talk about registered users, and not about active users. the script shows only registered members, and _not_ active members online.
it's also an highly effective marketing tool, and the side-effect is the motto and the usericon, and it was really not meant as an online counter
this feature works extremely good and efficient, just take a look at those xrated ads here and there, or the some other regular social network sites, they use almost the same thing , well only without the motto idea which makes the whole thing more "interactive".
in the end, you have to understand marketing as well, to understand this addon idea.
and massive http requests aka. ajax ... bad idea if we talk about performance (server load).
Here's how facebooks 'status' feature works.
When I thought about vanilla I was actually thinking on the lines of....
(click to enlarge)
at least, a quick-setting makes only sense to me if the result is also quick or in other words "realtime", but the member roll is not a realtime-members-roll-shoutbox or such , not even a who is online indicator
You can use the motto as mood indicator or something like that
But I might be wrong.
Maybe the thing I'm thinking about should be completely different extension, so you can have mood displayed together with username and then yould be able to change the mood quickly by ajax in place editable text
edit: sorry my bad english in this comment I'm not native english speaker and I was little bit high ;-D
so i think we should get this on track somehow.
so what is the next step?
i think there are 3 options so far:
1) we wait until 20XX to se if something or nothing happens.
2) we beg and beset mark to invest 2-4 hours to make this "cool" but meanwhile basic and popular community feature for vanilla (we all have jobs and a private life but...but!).
3) or we collect 50-100$ and we pay a young motivated coder if option 1) and 2) fails.
the last option is a pisser, but better than option 1).
any other ideas or options guys ?
how about steve jobs?
well, oh well, okay who want to code this, all admiration is guaranteed mister strange coder !
would be nice to get some really interactive and catchy addons for vanilla, such like this one here.
so if you do it klip , youre da man of the hour
any news here?