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Error after fresh 1.4 installation: Warning: Undefined property: Connection...
Hi there,
I got a problem installing the 1.4er Version.
Hava a look at
That's the Error Message:
Warning: Undefined property: Connection in /mnt/web1/42/12/5559612/htdocs/i-tn/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.php on line 65
Warning: Undefined property: User in /mnt/web1/42/12/5559612/htdocs/i-tn/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 321
Warning: Undefined property: Scripts in /mnt/web1/42/12/5559612/htdocs/i-tn/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Control.Head.php on line 34
Warning: Undefined property: StyleSheets in /mnt/web1/42/12/5559612/htdocs/i-tn/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Control.Head.php on line 43
Warning: Undefined property: Strings in /mnt/web1/42/12/5559612/htdocs/i-tn/forum/themes/head.php on line 30
PHP works as CGI, MySQL is 5.0.45, the Host is Strato:
Has anybody an idea what went wrong?
I've already made the following changes: but still the same.
Thanks for any help,
This discussion has been closed.
<?php class Head extends Control { var $Scripts; // Script collection var $StyleSheets; // Stylesheet collection var $Strings; // String collection var $BodyId; // identifier assigned to the body tag var $Meta; // An associative array of meta tags/content to be added to the head. function AddScript($ScriptLocation, $ScriptRoot = '~') { if ($ScriptRoot == '~') $ScriptRoot = $this->Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']; $ScriptPath = $ScriptLocation; if ($ScriptRoot != '') $ScriptPath = ConcatenatePath($ScriptRoot, $ScriptLocation); if (!in_array($ScriptPath, $this->Scripts)) $this->Scripts[] = $ScriptPath; } function AddStyleSheet($StyleSheetLocation, $Media = '', $Position = '100', $StyleRoot = '~') { if ($StyleRoot == '~') $StyleRoot = $this->Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']; $StylePath = $StyleSheetLocation; if ($StylePath != '') $StylePath = ConcatenatePath($StyleRoot, $StyleSheetLocation); $this->InsertItemAt($this->StyleSheets, array('Sheet' => $StylePath, 'Media' => $Media), $Position); } function AddString($String) { $this->Strings[] = $String; } function Clear() { $this->ClearStrings(); $this->ClearStyleSheets(); $this->ClearScripts(); $this->Meta = array(); } function ClearStrings() { $this->Strings = array(); } function ClearStyleSheets() { $this->StyleSheets = array(); } function ClearScripts() { $this->Scripts = array(); } function Head(&$Context) { $this->Name = 'Head'; $this->BodyId = ''; $this->Control($Context); $this->Clear(); } function Render() { // First sort the stylesheets by key ksort($this->StyleSheets); $this->CallDelegate('PreRender'); include(ThemeFilePath($this->Context->Configuration, 'head.php')); $this->CallDelegate('PostRender'); } } ?>
I'm looking into some of the other messages...function Database(&$Context) { $this->Name = 'Database'; $this->Connection = 0; $Context->ErrorManager->AddError($Context, $this->Name, 'Constructor', 'You can not generate a database object with the database interface. You must use an implementation of the interface like the MySQL implementation.'); }
Please let me know if these changes work, or if you have additional problems, they probably only appeared for you because your PHP install is configured to be a little more strict about error reporting.
Other messages that I noticed on the sign-in screen can be fixed by editing People.Class.User and adding at the bottom one line so it looks like this:
function User(&$Context) { $this->Context = &$Context; $this->Clear(); }
And for some additional messages on the search page when performing a search, add this function to Vanilla.Class.Search.php:
function Search() { $this->clear(); }
Lets try making Framework.Class.MySql.php's MySql function look like this:
function MySql(&$Context) { $this->Name = 'MySQL'; $this->Context = &$Context; $this->Conection = 0; $this->FarmConnection = 0; }
And again, add a clear line to Framework.Class.Validator.php:
function Validator(&$Context) { $this->Context = &$Context; $this->Clear(); }
Glad to help!
It might not work however, as I have been fiddling with the error reporting trying to get it to show the same messages on my test server, but it's not working for me.
I see the CSS fine, even when logged in. So it might just be a bad style in the database for your account. Go to settings, themes & styles, then click save.
I also had to remove a line from conf/extensions.php, since ForcedBBCode was removed from the server before it was turned off.
You should be good to go, if there are other issues that crop up, you can turn the error reporting back on by editing conf/settings.php and commenting out the line that sets an error handler.