ModX and Vanilla

I seen very little discussions of ModX and Vanilla on, so I want to throw the question out... have anyone from here us that combo to create a rocking site?
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Give it some more time, I'm still working on the bridge as I have my own need for it. Look for such features as SSO, Unified User tables, inter-linking, and the ability to attach Vanilla discussions to MODx documents (can't think of a name for that feature yet).
Please be sure to keep us updated.
Here is an article written by one our foundation programmers, it's called Transforming MODx: Tales of OO, MVC, and O/RM.
EDIT: Big typo, changed date to Dec 2006 :-/
Now back on why MODx was created to begin with, I can help you get some perspective by quoting Ryan Thrash, MODx co-founder : (If you're interrested, read Ryan's Looking back, looking forward post).
Granted, the codebase has a few quirks but as Ryan points out MODx already is a very flexible and versatile tool. I came from 2 years contributing to Textpattern, and I found in MODx what I loved in txp : unparalleled flexibility, very nice template system and... a great community ! In a nutshell, I like systems which works for you, not the other way around :P I can only imagine that's why you (and I) love Vanilla so much
What I love about MODx ?
Real separation between content and presentation for starters. I should be obvious : well, it's not ! Remember having to hack the core code of a system, a plugin or module to get your layout and styles to work as expected, fix standard compliancy or accessibility issues ? Well, I know I do and now it's the first thing I check out when testing a new system. Most of them don't fit the bill...
Most systems have a rigid way to structure content. Usually, content has a limited structure: Title, Summary, Body. Extensions (plugins, modules or the likes) sometimes offer to manage different types of content (images, products, job offers…): but again, they force you to use a predefined content structure which does not necessarily fit your particular needs. When they do offer a way to create custom content fields, they are either limited in number or in types. You can create any type of custom content fields: text, rich text, number, date, images, checkbox, dropdown, email, url… with no limitations whatsoever. The best part: you can do so directly from the backend, without ever having to alter the database structure manually. Each custom field is linked to a given template: that’s why the custom fields are called Template Variables in MODx. It allows you to define which templates can use the custom variables, and possibly define several content structure if needed. You can use, style and place those content field easily: a simple tag, [*my_template_variable*], and you can display the content wherever you like, the way you want it displayed. Better yet, if you need to make it available for frontend editing, just add a # before the variable name [*#my_template_variable*]. Pretty easy, uh?
For a designer like me, it's a dream come true, I confess :P
Ouch, I didn't mean to hack the thread with a selling pitch (by now you'll have guessed I am a sort of MODx evangelist :P), but since you asked about where MODx comes from and what it stands for...
Back to the subject, I love the idea of having a nice integration between MODx and Vanilla. My clients sure need as much efficiency as they can, and for me this means a lightweight core with a total separation between content and presentation + nice templating + a well thought out API to help customize the app...
- Quick and dirty integration with Vanilla?
- Vanilla-MODx Integration
EDIT: If you would like to play around with the code that I wrote, you can download it from my post on the Vanilla-MODx Integration thread.