== != =

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
There is a line in Framework.Functions.php (line #343) that reads

if($iReturn < 0) $iReturn == $DefaultValue;

should read

if ($iReturn < 0) $iReturn = $DefaultValue;

might want to add a linebreak in there to make it more legible.


  • edited January 2008
    Please ignore this.
  • Ignore what - the bug or your comment?
  • This IS a bug and should be fixed.
  • Sorry, I was referring to my comment. I thought I found a bug but it turned to be a mistake by myself. And I didn't know how to delete my post :P
  • edited February 2008
    @Wallphone, Your commit (Framework r145) changed the file format from unix- to dos line-endings, making an unnecessarily large diff and creating conflicts with my working copy. Would it be possible to change it back to the standard unix line-endings? http://lussumo.com/bugs/discussion/51/
  • edited February 2008
    Sure thing, will have to wait until tomorrow A.M. It's done.

    ::mutters under breath about properly configuring his text exitor::
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