Vanilla as Blog, but still a Forum...
Firstly, thanks for reading my post, hopefully you can shed some light on this.
Basically, I've been hunting around the web for a few days now, trying to find something that is going to fit the bill for what I need. I've found some great Blog software, and some great Forum software - but nothing that meets in the middle. If I explain what I'm after, perhaps you might be able to tell me if this is something I can easily do with Vanilla, or using a plug-in.
I would like a standard forum set up, eg. 5 forums with sub-forums, everyone can post new threads etc.
So far, everything I have read about Blog addons, essentially turns a forum sub-section into the front page. But I want to be able to do is flag up any post, in any thread as a blog entry. Then on the front page, people can click a "make comments" where it will take them to the forum thread it originated from.
If this isn't possible, then I might be able to code something to do so. For instance, if posts can be flagged as "Important" or something similar, or "Sticky". Then the front page could just be code written by me, doing a simple SQL search for all posts flagged as "Important".
Does this make sense, and is this possible with the current setup?
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