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Getting this of my chest

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello to you all again :-) I am trying to do something with the sidepanel as it seems to take up a lot of space and not do much most of the time. The options are 1. Make it smaller (narrower). From the searches I have done this somehow involves the vanilla.css file. I have looked in there and found all the .panel bits. Wherever there was mention of width (mostly 219px) I changed it to 100px. That didn't work. I then noticed 2 image file that were 219px wide so I thought maybe they were stopping the panel from shrinking so I reduced the width of them also, but that didn't work either. I decided to go for option 2. 2. Only show the side panel where necessary (account stuff). I found that Panelhide is no longer available, and that Panelhider is not complete. The next best option was to use Page Manager and add some code (as suggested by the developer of Page Manager). I downloaded the zip and read the readme which said... "If you have mod_rewrite enabled (and are taking advantage of that in your vanilla install), add these lines to your .htaccess file: #Pages RewriteRule ^page/(.*)$ index.php?Page=$1 [QSA,L]" BUT the vanilla extensions instructions are "In order for Vanilla to recognize an extension, it must be contained within its own directory within the extensions directory. So, once you have downloaded and unzipped the extension files, you can then place the folder containing the default.php file into your installation of Vanilla. The path to your extension's default.php file should look like this: /path/to/vanilla/extensions/this_extension_name/default.php Once this is complete, you can enable the extension through the "Manage Extensions" form on the settings tab in Vanilla." However, I found 3 files but no mention of what to with the 2 not called 'default.php' Does any clever chap have the time and knowledge to assist me further with either option 1 or 2? Many thanks


  • edited January 2008
    I use Panelhider successfully.

    Concerning changing the Panel css, that is one part. You might also have to change the Content. Then, don't forget to do a hard refresh to see the css changes. I know that I usually forget that and then wonder why my changes didn't work.
  • "I use Panelhider successfully." you mean as is? Or did you have to do some tidying up?
  • I don't think I had to make any changes, but who knows at this point. I have modified it to be theme-aware so that the hidepanel button moves to the correct side if the theme has a right or left panel. I'd be happy to package up what I have if you want it.
  • That's great jimw. I'll give it a go and let you know how I got on :-)
  • OK, I installed it but it does not seem to be working. There was SOME difference in that two small lines appeared at the top left but I don't think that is what is supposed to happen. I am unsure whether I installed it correctly. The readme only talks about the default.php into the PanelHider folder but doesn't say what I am supposed to do with all the other files. I put all of them into it. Perhaps yours would be worth a shot?
  • If you could give us a link to your site, that would be helpful. Everything goes in the extension's folder, as does my modified version. Whisper me your email address and I'll send it to you.
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