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Upgrade problem

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have just upgraded from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4. All seems well EXCEPT that when I make a discussion 'sticky' I get this error at the top Notice: Undefined index: TEXT_STICKY in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Functions.php on line 18 Notice: Undefined index: TEXT_STICKY in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Functions.php on line 19 When I make it unsticky again the error disappears. It says 'undefined index'. How do I make it 'defined'? Thanks


  • Try doing a search for this. It's a common issue.
  • So, after searching Undefined index: TEXT_STICKY Undefined index: TEXT_ TEXT_STICKY TEXT_ which came up with loads of of things with 'text' in, including a couple of of relevent ones (one from you suggesting they do a search) Before I posted I DID several searches. If you can show me a link to a suitable search I will bow before your superior searching skills. from what I can gather there is some confusion here $Prefix = ''; if (!$Discussion->Active && $Configuration['TEXT_HIDDEN'] != '') $Prefix = $Configuration['TEXT_HIDDEN']; if ($Discussion->Sticky && $Configuration['TEXT_STICKY'] != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($Discussion->Sticky && $Configuration['TEXT_STICKY'] != '') $Prefix .= $Configuration['TEXT_STICKY']; if ($Discussion->Closed && $Configuration['TEXT_CLOSED'] != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($Discussion->Closed && $Configuration['TEXT_CLOSED'] != '') $Prefix .= $Configuration['TEXT_CLOSED']; if ($Discussion->Bookmarked && $Configuration['TEXT_BOOKMARKED'] != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($Discussion->Bookmarked && $Configuration['TEXT_BOOKMARKED'] != '') $Prefix .= $Configuration['TEXT_BOOKMARKED']; if ($Discussion->Sink && $Configuration['TEXT_SINK'] != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($Discussion->Sink && $Configuration['TEXT_SINK'] != '') $Prefix .= $Configuration['TEXT_SINK']; if ($Discussion->WhisperUserID > 0 && $Configuration['TEXT_WHISPERED'] != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($Discussion->WhisperUserID > 0 && $Configuration['TEXT_WHISPERED'] != '') $Prefix .= $Configuration['TEXT_WHISPERED']; if ($Prefix != '') return $Configuration['TEXT_PREFIX'].$Prefix.$Configuration['TEXT_SUFFIX'].' '; whereby the word 'configuration' should say 'dictionary' am I right?
  • Are you using the default theme or a different one?
  • I am using the default theme
  • Wait a minute, I am using the joomla bridge. I thought it was version 1.1.3 so I followed the instructions for the upgrade to 1.1.4. I now realise that the bridge installs 1.0.3. According to the upgrade instructions I need to overwrite everything except the conf and extensions (not that I have any working). Stand back, I'm going in...
  • I just follwed the 1.0.3 to 1.1.4 upgrade instructions and all is well. I am going to add this news to the Joomla Bridge thread
  • Ahhh excellent :) I thought something a bit funny must be going on cause this was a common problem but not as recently as 1.1.3...
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