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Mail post to admin

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I wonder if this could be adapted from a 'report post' add-on... I need a button (not a link - something a bit more obvious) that could be displayed on the first post of a thread, giving the option for any user to mail the contents of the post to a predetermined, fixed email address. Either that, or a checkbox when posting a new thread to email the contents in the same way. This is because I run a listings website and I want the users to easily be able to email me their forum posts so I can add them to the listings calendar.


  • wouldn't you be able to use the Notify Add-On? You could just have a category that all those posts were put in and then you subscribe to it?
  • The report post add-on is ideal for this, I changed then TEXT link to a button (GIF) to make it "a bit more obvious" and it works like a charm. You might also have to change the email text and the JavaScript alert text to reflect your changed purpose but that's easy enough to do.

    There may also be a way to make it appear only in the first comment but that's beyond my skill set.

    Posted: Friday, 4 January 2008 at 9:20AM

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