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Not working with add-on domain

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I have a fresh install of Vanilla at I want to use the domain which nameservers are pointed to nameservers. I have read the wiki, I have read the forums, but no matter what, I can't make the cookies and theme work on Anyone know how? Thank you for your time... [edit] Forgot to mention that on my settings.pnp, all the domain values are set to There is no mention of because if it did, the forums would not work on either domain. - Lifestream


  • Do you want to use both domains at once or just one of them? You should definitely be able to get one at a time running by setting all references to the correct used domain (i.e. if you want to use then you should set that as the cookie domain and the theme path may change also)
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