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edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just thinking that it would be nice to have a WYSIWYG Editor for basic uses, to facilitate reading of comments


  • Yeah, that would be really nice.. Maybe use the widgEditor by Cameron Adams?
  • any further thoughts on this? i would definitely implement one if i knew how.

    my users are used to phpbb and are asking me how to make things bold/italic etc. and it's a struggle trying to teach them html lol.
  • I've been working on getting TinyMCE working. "Yeah, that would be really nice.. Maybe use the widgEditor by Cameron Adams?" Doesn't work on safari, for one.
  • looks good although it does say... "Some of these plugins will only be visible on MSIE due to the lack of some support in FF"

    which is a little worrying
  • TinyMCE is implemented in WP2.0. I use it in FF and haven't seen anything that doesn't work, though it uses only the basic options.
  • FLCFLC New
    edited January 2006
    TinyMCE is implemented in WP2.0. I use it in FF and haven't seen anything that doesn't work, though it uses only the basic options.
    and it sucks ass, it was the first thing I turned off as soon as I got WP2 running
  • edited January 2006
    I like the fact that the posting interface is simple in vanilla. I suppose this would be ideal for users that don't have html knowledge. If this does get intergrated, maybe it would be a good idea to have an option to turn it on and off in your account settings as I wouldn't use this feature.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • Anyone up for making this extension?
  • I might make one when Safari gets built in WYSIWYG. I would only do Firefox and Safari myself though. Someone else can do IE and Opera =P
  • Look at this. (for download, not preview) The last link is to easy to install ...
  • I'd love to have this, so I could use Html extension instead of Textile. All I would want are a few unobtrusive formatting buttoms, for links, paragraph, lists, bold, italic, etc.
  • I know there is a great little wisywig for vBulletin - they use it on I am not sure what it is called that they use though. Sorry.
  • That's a nice little RTE. Might have to play with it a little and see if it takes the same kind of performance hit as some of the AJAX RTE code does. (Like Dojo ... unbearably slow!!)
  • edited March 2006
    Why not use FCKEditor? Its free and works in all browsers. Its also CSS friendly.
  • edited March 2006
    Why not use FCKEditor?

    Its free and works in all browsers.
    ...except Safari.
  • ... and it's too slowlyyyyyyyyyyyy 8-D
This discussion has been closed.