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Ajax Chat Addon?

XetoloschXetolosch New
edited 2008 23 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi! I'm new with Vanilla an Ajax Chat and I would use Ajax Chat as a AddOn for Vanilla. -> I don't know how to integrate it as a AddOn. Is anyone still writing a Addon for Ajax Chat? I also searching for a german community/ support. Exists a german community or some german users?


  • hello,

    you can get a few chat related and available addons here. here

    btw, your chat is a ultra outdated, there are much more "advanced" chats out there like this one here for example...

  • The AddOn PFC doesn't work (I don't know how to install it right...) I tested it before I register here ;) Ajax Chat have a dice function and some nice styles. I can't compare it with the features or other chat scripts, because I don't know much about it...
  • I need some information how to write a Addon and use the Vanilla login function in AddOns to check/ use the username in the Addon. Exists a HowTo or can someone give me an good example (Addon)?
  • I don't like the look of PFC. The chat is small and looks nice. Also the handling is ok. I'm new here and need some help/ howtos to understand vanilla and modding vanilla.
  • Chatbox seems to work pretty well. In any case, if you want to create a new one, see how the others do it.
  • maybe u would like to see the documentation
  • Yesterday I found the pages in the docu ;)
  • I'm testing to integrate the vanilla users into the chat, but I don't know how I can use the userid to validate the logged in user. Can somebody help me?
  • I try PFC, but the addon doesn't work with Vanilla 1.1.4. Any idea?
  • I think YShout is the slickest, simplest chat and is perfect for something like Vanilla. I actually had it working in the side Panel at one point and everyone loved it. The only problem was that the port to Vanilla wasn't very good.

    I currently have PFC enabled on my forum, but the problem is no one ever goes into it and since there's no way to invite someone to chat, PFC (and all hidden-from-view chats) are basically useless.

    Some one really needs to take a look at the latest YShout and figure out a way to get in integrated with Vanilla.
  • definitely the most advanced shoutbox i've ever seen.

    good find skube
  • yshout looks awesome
    it would be SUPER awesome to have it for vanilla or something like that
  • XetoloschXetolosch New
    edited 2008 23
    First I would like to install a Vanilla with wysiwyg editor (only tinymce works, but with a bug) and some other features. AjaxChat is easy to integrate in other systems, but I'm new with Vanilla and also ajaxChat...
  • PFC should be working now with Vanilla 1.1.4. Sorry about the delay in fixing it.

    Personally I avoid shoutboxes because they tend to generate goofy high amounts of site traffic.

    YShout might be good but it's not free software, so....
  • oh i see...
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