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Themes on the Vanilla web site what license?

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
What license are the themes on Vanilla Add-on section? Can they be used in commercial products like the Vanilla Add-ons? The reason I ask is there is no information on licenses in the Vanilla Add-ons section. thanks, Neil


  • The fact that they are uploaded for public use makes for an implicit license to use whatever way you wish, unless there is a more restrictive license packaged with them. The copyrights still belong to their respective authors, of course, so if you want to CYA and please your lawyers, contact the authors and ask for an explicit license for your use.

    You could argue that they are GPL, since they link into the GPLed Vanilla, but that depends on who you ask. There is a thread from a couple months back where some authors (myself included) pledged to make their add-ons explicitly GPL.
  • edited January 2008
    All that comes from a podcast I happened to listen to last night: Funny I didn't realize the discussion I mentioned is stickied, but here it is:
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