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how to do a Vanilla login outside of Vanilla?
hi guys,
i am setting up a vanilla forum for a client and i have to say i'm loving it so far. it really does what it says on the box.
my situation is that i have a wordpress blog on the front end and i'd like vanilla to serve the forums inside. when a user registers with WP, i enter the record OK into the LUM_User table and that works fine.
what i'm having trouble with is how to drop the correct cookie information manually during the wordpress login so that the users don't need to log in at Vanilla as well.
right now, i'm dropping the "vanillaname" and "vanillapass" cookies with the values of md5(username) and the md5(password) respectively.. but Vanilla's not letting me in yet. still demands the login.
is there a snippet of code which will let me do a .. "pre-login".. if you will.. ?
yeah - i have tried reading Vanilla's code, but it's way too advanced. it's almost "showing off" in my books.. ;-)
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the only cookie i can see that's been added is PHPSESSID.
surely if 1 script can do it, so can another?
i'm afraid i'm just not good enough to work out when the Vanilla script is doing differently!! indeed! thanks for the reply.
1. bbpress doesn't integrate with WP very easily. they have different and very independent table structures and the WP support forum goers actively try to discourage you from trying to integrate since bbpress in particular is undergoing massive internal change constantly.
2. bbpress sucks ass. i can't stand it.
oh -- and mini is right when he says: this is exactly what i'm trying to do. my code, so far, inserts the LUM_user record and drops the correct cookies but when the user tries to go to a vaniila page, they are kicked back to login.
they enter their username and password into the box and get in just fine. when i recheck the cookie vals, they are unchanged, and this makes me think that maybe there's another table entry somewhere being made by the vanilla login that i'm not doing yet. haven't had time to track that down yet, but there is no alternative. i do NOT want users to see another login.
ciao ...
Hi all, I noticed this post a few days back, but have been too lazy to register here before now. Strangely, we needed almost exactly the same thing: A single point of login to a member area that bypasses the Vanilla login (at least I think that's what you were after Sarah?)
In addition to updating the LUM_User table, store LUM_User.UserID as a foreign key in your main member table and add it to your session variable on login i.e.
Works here...