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huge database eating bandwidth

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Maybe this has been discussed before, if so, I apologise for not being able to find it.

My forum has around 1,500 posts with around 17,500 comments and growing by the day.
All I have on the domain is the forum and a few light html files so the forum is the main drain.

Am I right in assuming that it's the database causing the bandwidth drain?
If so, is there a way to delete a load of historic posts in one go or is it just a case of manually deleting them one by one?

Cheers in advance.


  • The database wont use any bandwidth at all assuming it's on the same box as the site (and even if it's not your host shouldn't charge you for bandwidth between the two locations). Bandwidth should only be counted for data travelling from the server to users' computers.
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