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Can't Send Email

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi-- I'm having problems with my vanilla install at sending email. I did some searches, and saw that this is a "popular" problem: This seems to happen when sendmail isn't installed. I just talked to my host and they're telling me that sendmail is working fine -- a WP install on the same domain has no issues. Then I tried to set SMTP values to avoid this problem. They're tellling me my SMTP settings are correct, but I also get an error there: Affected Elements Email.ServerParse(); The error occurred on or near: 550 Administrative prohibition The host is telling me it's definitely a problem with Vanilla. Can you help? I'm at the end of my rope. Thank you.


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    Is the 'support email address' managed by the same server you are using in the SMTP settings?
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    Yes, they're both on the same domain. In fact, they're the same address.
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    What do you mean the same address? The SMTP server should be a domain name not an email address.
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    You're right. The SMTP user is the same as the support email address though. Is that a problem?
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    I played around with the settings a little more, and I think I have it worked out. The domain was an add-on to my main domain, and although the add-on's SMTP is supposed to work (according to the host support), it doesn't until I set the SMTP server to the main domain name. Leaving the support address set to the addon domain doesn't make it not work. Anyway, thank you for your help, Minisweeper. I like Vanilla a lot so far.
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