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Showing Discussions when a person opens the Vanilla Forum

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just started using a Vanilla Forum (1.1.3) on my web site. I have installed twice. The first time everything went great and I started a discussion and made it "sticky". When I went to the forum I had set up -- the discussion showed on the screen without having to sign in. I tried to change the theme - was not satisfied with it - went back to the default theme and everything was totally messed up. So - I deleted and re-installed for the second time and re-did my "sticky" discussion post. My problem now is that nothing shows on the forum screen when I first enter. I have to sign in before the discussion I posted shows. I want it to be like it was when I first installed -- I would like non-members to be able to surf the discussions. I suspect I need to change something in the settings area but I cannot figure out what it is. CAN ANYONE HELP??? Thanks - in advance!!!


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    So do non signed in users get a blank discussion listing or just a sign in page? If they get a blank discussion list you probably need to play around with the Unauthenticated role and the categories they have access to view.
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    Hi Minisweeper -- thanks for the reply --Non signed-in users get a blank discussion listing. I think I have done everything I could with the Unauthenticated Role but I will go back over it and see if I can make changes that work. Thanks for the idea -- I will let you know if I can make something work.
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    I selected the Unauthenticated Role and, as I thot I remembered, there are no choices for Unauthenticated like there are for the Member, etc. Roles. Also, I have the box checked in APPLICATION SETTINGS for "Allow non-members to browse the forum"
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    Go to "Settings", then to "Catagories". Choose edit and check if guests are allowed to view the catagory. I assume that this will be your problem.
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    Rescue...---You assumed correctly. Many thanks for the solution to my problem!!!
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