Views XXXX (aka thread has been read XXXX times)

Category Vanilla Started by mark Comments 3 Last comment by lech Last Active 1 day ago new 1 views 955
how much load on the server would it be to add the number of views a thread has?
This discussion has been closed.
either should be easy, but the total number of views won't include people who aren't logged in, of course.
select count(LastViewed),DiscussionID from LUM_UserDiscussionWatch where DiscussionID='$DiscussionID' group by DiscussionID;
that should take care of the sql.
select count(LastViewed) from LUM_UserDiscussionWatch where DiscussionID='$DiscussionID';
I mean, if you already know what DiscussionID is, why return it and group by it?