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Need Info on small change in look of Digg Theme

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I also posted this on the Vanilla Category

I am new to this Forum as I just installed Vanilla a couple of days ago on my web site. I discovered the Digg Theme and downloaded it today. It installed easily and I really like the look of it as the blue colors synchronize with my site very nicely.

My web site has a sailing theme and the purpose of the "Your Sailing Story" Forum is to collect sailing stories:

The stories are going to be fairly long - much longer, I suspect, than normal forum discussions. I posted a story from my experience as an example. If you take a look at the site you can see - the blue background behind the words only goes about half the length of the story.

Is it possible to make a coding change so that the light blue background lasts as long as there are characters (words) in the space? Second choice would be to eliminate the light blue background and just have it white. The light blue background is much more sophisticated, however, so I hope it can be retained.

I know nothing about PHP or CSS coding so if it is something that can be done -- the info. needs to be set up for dummy like me to do it. I would need to know what folder in Vanilla -- I would assume: ../vanillaforum/themes/digg/then where?, and finally, where to look in the file to make the change and, of course, the coding change(s).

I would sincerely appreciate any help I could get on this -- Roger P.


  • Please download a fresh copy of Digg which includes a fix for the comment area. If there're any changes you need to do to theme, look in themes/Digg for the theme's files and themes/Digg/styles/default/vanilla.css if you need to do any changes to the style (font, color, etc.).
  • sjeeps: I downloaded the fresh copy of Digg as you suggested and that solved the Discussions Page problem noted above. Thanks for your help. Thanks, too, for the info on what file to make style changes in. I am not going to need to do that but I am going to check out the coding and see if I can learn something about PHP.

    Thanks again - Roger P.
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