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edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Howdy Guys, I just got around to trying this intriguing forum software, and am of course working on customizing its appearance. Would I be stepping on any toes if I moved the AboutVanilla style somewhere, and maybe changing the wording a bit? Thanks!


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    good question i wonder if we can just put 'powered by Lussumo' ( still link to this site of coarse)
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    I would assume it would be fine to get rid of it altogether, but if I had pretty much created vanilla from the ground up, I would be pretty offended if it was completely removed from someone's site. I would say leave it, but if you find it completely hideous, then AT LEAST leave the "powered by lussumo" like Hamed suggested. As for moving it, I'm sure that would be fine, but still leave it somewhere kind of obvious. (like at the bottom of the page).
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    well it's not very good, but how about something like this a the bottom of the page?

    button thing
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    the actual graphic doo-da, or a link to the graphic. I definintely like the "showthis.html" if you put that at the bootom, that would be SWEET. Also, upload the theme in the addons thing when you're done, (unless you want to keep it to yourself)
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