Sticky Weight

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there any way to give stickies different weights depending on who made them sticky. (admin vs. moderator vs. anyone else w/ the capability) so that the ones made sticky by admin are higher than the ones made sticky by mod. (all stickies are still above the other discussions)


  • Sounds like a good idea but I dont think it's been done so far..
  • sweet or even if you, when making a post sticky, can specify a weight value; and restrict certain weights per role. [that was a really choppy sentence]
  • oh and isn't there an addon that lets the users have their bookmarks act sticky... this addon [the one i'm requesting] should put all the actual stickies above the user stickies (bookmarks), if they check the option of making thir bookmarks act sticky. (if that makes sense at all)
  • *bump
  • sounds really cool ^_^
  • I don't have a lot of time to test this, so maybe someone else can. Get the David add-on and then modify it as follows. Add in the Join and OrderBy statements. Then comment out what is in the "foreach" loop. I think this will sort by role IDs in the default setup. Admin is 4 and unauthorized is 1.

    If you add any other roles or re-order them, this won't work.
    function Sticky_HideFromDiscussions(&$DiscussionManager) { global $CategoryToShow; // this function adjusts the Discussion count $SB = &$DiscussionManager->DelegateParameters['SqlBuilder']; $SB->AddJoin('User', 'us', 'UserID', 't', 'AuthUserID', 'left join'); $SB->AddOrderBy('RoleID', 'us', 'desc'); foreach ( array('0') as $CurrentBlock ) { //$SB->AddWhere('t', 'Sticky', '', 0, '=', 'and'); //$SB->AddWhere('t', 'CategoryID', '', $CategoryToShow, '=', 'or'); } }

    If you want to sort by Role Priority, then you would have to Join the Role table.
  • I have this extension written, but I have to finish testing it out and playing with the CSS. I'm guessing it will be done... some time tomorrow. I'll explain the way it works then.
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