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How to pull most 10 recent Discussion Topics from database?

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Want to know how to pull the 10 most recent discussion topics from the database, and have their urls be the same as my friendly ones.. This is for putting topics on home page. Wayne


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    have you tried Latest posts integration addon ?
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    oops forgot to clarify,,, "OUTSIDE VANILLA"
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    edited January 2008
    As I'm not missunderstood,
    you want to get the most recent discussion topics from database, and put them on another website. right? if its your aim, this is exactly what Latest posts integration does. you activate the plugin in vanilla, and put the code which is given on the addon definition on you website. and you can customize it with css.
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    Ah, i c, i've got it working on a webpage, but it doesn't seem to work right, cause the urls that it makes aren't friendly
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