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I blew up my fledgling theme

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
howdy guys, I'm in the process of adding a banner to my theme according to the instructions in the docs. I have




I accidently "flipped the switch" prematurely, and now my vanilla instance comes up blank with an internal server error message.

I borked something, but I'm not sure where to look to find whatever it is.

any suggestions? Thanks!


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    edited January 2008
    I *think* if you erased all your custom theme files (not the folders), your installation will revert back to the default theme... (I'm not sure if you need to keep the style files)... That will get your site back up. Your custom theme will still be listed as the selected theme, so you'll want to go into settings and change it.

    If that doesn't work, you can always open up your "conf/settings.php" file and manually change your theme settings.
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