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TinyMCE and YouTube

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm using TinyMCE at and it's working great -- but I can't figure out how to embed a YouTube video. Even if I put the embed code into the HTML source, the video doesn't show up. It used to work before TinyMCE. Can anybody help?

(Not sure if I should have asked this here or in the Add-on threat)


  • There also seems to be a weird bug. When I paste the embed code straight into tinymce (instead of the source), the post is empty and I get an error message, which in turns seems to screw up the statistics addon. I'll know not to do that now, but when the site breaks I get very nervous.

    Thanks again.
  • Nobody here can tell me how to post a YouTube video in Vanilla with TinyMCE enabled? Or should I look for help somewhere else?
  • I just did a quick search here and found a lot of posts about YouTube. Since I don't post videos, having read some of these discussions, I would think that JQMedia is needed.
  • Oh, it doesn't work with TinyMCE at all? That never even occurred to me because it worked without it, so I never searched YouTube by itself. Thanks for your answer, jimw. I'll look into JQMedia.
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