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Adding additional style sheet

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I would like to import another style sheet to use, in ADDITION to the default Vanilla style sheet, not instead of...I already have it created, I just need Vanilla to use it. Is this possible without modifying vanilla PHP and without having to cut/paste it into the vanilla.css file?


  • edited January 2008
    You could create an extension:

    <?php /* Extension Name: My Style Sheet Extension Url: n/a Description: n/a Version: 0.1 Author: n/a Author Url: n/a */ if (isset($Head)) $Head->AddStyleSheet('extensions/MyStyleSheet/Whatever_You_Call_It.css'); // change the name to whatever you call your style sheet ?>

    Throw that code in a file called "default.php". Then place it, along with your style sheet, in a folder (in this example, called "MyStyleSheet") inside your extensions folder. Then enable it like any other extension.
  • Wow, that worked perfectly. Thanks a lot!
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