Vanilla newbie and few questions

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, This is my first time here. I would like to thank all the Vanilla team for this marvelous software. I've installed Vanilla for a charity orgnanization website and so far it's working like a treat. I have few questions though: 1) I'm astonshied that this forum uses a heavily modified version of Vanilla. I guess the support forums on an original software site should be using a plain-vanilla installation of the software so thatusers know what exactly it offers. Now I'm a bit confused whether many of the features I'm seeing here are already implemented into Vanilla out of the box and it happend that I've missed them, or that they're customly added either as add-ons or direct hacking of the code. 2) Now I have some more specific questions. Can I set a cpecific category to a specific theme? The forum I've installed is an Arabic RTL one. I've created a whole new theme that correctly renders content from right to left as in Arabic scripts, however, I would like to have an "English Section" category that renders content from left to right. Is that doable? 3) I noticed that there's an option to jump to latest comments in every user prefrences. While I've enabled it on my account, page doesn't jump to latest comments on discussions. While investigation, I see no anchors associated with every comment like in this forum. So is this a bug or I've missed something out? (I'm using latest version 1.1.4) 4) There's also an option of formatting comments in HTML, but when tried it with my admin account it didn't work. Tha's all for now. Any help is really appreciated.


  • 1) To my knowledge, there has been no 'hacking of the code' - everything (nearly) on here is available as an extension. The exact purpose of vanilla is to let users build their own forums with their own required features. Running this forum as a base install would provide for a fairly dull user experience - but running every forum like this one wouldn't be most suitable. 2) Nope. Not unless you can make an extension to do so. Which wouldn't be that hard but it's not been done yet. 3) That seems like a bug...hmmm... 4) I assume you've installed the html formatter?
  • Also, you can get a handy list of the extensions in use here with this link (it's in the light gray text at the bottom of the left hand panel): The LussumoBanner code is available (, the other customizations are rather simplistic and can easily be emulated by using Nuggets (for the donate button) and PageManager (extra tabs).
  • Just discovered Vanilla today and immediately replaced my site's forum. Got everything setup just fine in a very few minutes. Only problem I'm having is understanding how to add my site graphic to the header. I think I'm supposed to "cook a nugget", whatever that is, and I actually managed to find that, but I can't find any documentation on what HTML code I am supposed to enter. Appreciate anyone sending me in the right direction. Thanks.
  • the html code you enter is whatever you want the banner to be... an easier way would be to make an extension that did that... WallPhone pointed out this in the documentation that explains how to do it pretty easily.
  • Thanks for the input! Okay, so I confessed to being a total newbie here. The code that's shown on the link is what I use in the HTML section of the nugget then, with my changes, of course? Assuming I've cooked it properly can you tell me what file I need to upload to the server and where?

    I promise I'll learn this, and stop asking dumb questions.
  • no, the php code that's shown at the link is what you would put in a default.php file and upload it to /path/to/vanilla/extensions/extensionname/ you can name it whatever you want then go to settings->extensions->your extension and enable it. (the name and description will be like whats at the top of the default.php)
  • edited March 2008
    Quote ChecMarkI promise I'll learn this, and stop asking dumb questions
    Bah, they're not dumb questions, everyone's gotta learn sometime.
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