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Integrating Vanilla with previous website structure

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there any way I can make my script insert the user information into the Vanilla database? I use PHP. I also want to know if it is possible to put the login sessions and cookies into my login script so that when they log into the site, they are automatically logged into the forum.


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    If you look in the people libraries there are all sorts of classes/functions for jobs like this. How competent are you with OOP?
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    I do not even know what OOP is but I am fluent in PHP.
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    Guess that answered his question. It stands for Object-oriented programming.
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    Well.. is it session based?
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    It pretty much just involves the use of classes and functions in PHP. Take a look through the people libraries and you should be able to work out what you need to call to make vanilla log a user in. I think other people on the board have done it and written about it briefly.
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    It's all about the authenticator class.
    In fact, you don't need to insert data in Vanilla's db, but remap some tables and columns. The Wordpress integration is quite clear for this.
    Problem is, if visitors arrive on the forum not authenticated, authenticate, then go to the main pages, they won't be authenticated.
    What I did: remove authentication by Vanilla, for this you'll need to tweak some templates.
    Good luck!
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    Surely if visitors authenticate via Vanilla's class and then go to the main pages, they will still be authenticated, you just need to make your main pages work with the session variables that Vanilla sets.
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    That's what I tried to explain, thanks for those precisions.
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    I don't want to remake my script, I just want to add the information that Vanilla needs to my login page which is required('login.php') to each page.
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    Do you want visitors to log in through your form AND the form in Vanilla's pages?
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