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Lussumo and Vanilla is one of the best forums I've seen.

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First off, I seen and used a lot of forums. Lussumo and Vanilla is one of the best forums I've seen. For almost all the things I've wanted, I do a search, and an add-on has already been created. We wanted guest posts, boom, there's an add-on. We wanted friendly-urls (I think this should be on be default), it's there as add-on. Nugget Management is supper cool, easy, and effective for customizing Vanilla with a header footer, adsense, etc. I do want some a few things, but I'll post those in feature requests. Overall- Great Product.


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    yeah well there are other forums which have all the stuff that vanilla has but i don't know why but i really like vanilla it is the 2 column thing i had not seen another forum with 2 columns and I really liked it, because it was unique I really like it and dude the WHISPER!!!!!!!!!! it is the most awesome feature ever i love that feature whispers rock
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    I have used quite a few forum apps and Vanilla does bulletin board software better than other forum software. More importantly Vanilla does bulletin board software so well that it makes me upset with other applications that aren't even forums. I now want to replace them with software that doesn't exist, yet. I thought phpBB was great, but then I saw vanilla. I think mediawiki is great, but I want a wiki that is like vanilla. I think trac is great, but I want project management that is like vanilla. Vanilla is only a well executed improvement but it still gave me a new perspective as a user. Vanilla is not a revolution but it could start one.
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    edited January 2008
    a lussumo wiki? excellent thinking. It could be called licorice
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    I know it's not quite there (and very possibly not as good as trac) - but have you checked out the bug tracker extension for vanilla?
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    Let me add that I am not trying to say vanilla should also be a wiki, or something. Vanilla does one thing very well, and that is great. It's user experience has been so great for me that I now have higher expectations for my user experience with every other webapp I touch.
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    Oh yeah I picked up on that - I was just saying that if the Bug Tracker extension covered off what you expected then it's not only a great forum but also a great bug tracker :)
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