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Change Tab Names

edited November 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know this has been asked before, and I've read the stuff about adding a mod/plugin, etc. But is there a quick fix I can just make in the code? I'm using Vanilla with Elgg and I want to change the Tab name 'Account' to 'Profile' to be in sync' with Elgg terminology. *Edit* Is there just a way I can hard-code the tab label? Thanks


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    You could go into "languages/English/definitions.php" and change the definition for "Account" to "Profile". But I'm not sure where else, if any where else, that definition is used, so doing that might change "Account" to "Profile" elsewhere as well. If you don't want to change the core language file, you could create a simple extension that overrides the "Account" definition.

    Be warned that there are a number of other definitions that reference "Account". If you care about consistency, you'll need to change several definitions. But if the Tab is all you care about, changing that definition should do the trick.

    Another option would be to create an extension that $Menu->RemovesTab() the Account Tab, and then $Menu->AddTab() a new Tab called Profile that directs the user to the Account Page.
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    The easiest way of doing that would be to use page manager. It's a little bulky for what you need, but it should do the trick
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    i have just tryied page manager to change account into profile and the tab simply disappear....
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    did you change the tab name, or the tab identifier. you should've changed the name, and i know messing with the identifier causes problems.
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    Thanks guys, I'll try your suggestions. As you rightly say, I didn't really want to install a plugin just to do this, but if all else fails I'll do that. Thanks again.
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    RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
    Page Manager is an awesome add on anyways, I use that to change the tab names as well as create new pages for my site.
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