Failures after porting to different ISP
I had to port my Vanilla forum from one Internet Service Provider to another. After this, updating (Check for Updates) does not work any longer - the "hourglasses" spin round and round, but nothing else happens. Any ideas what went wrong and how I can fix it?
Thanks in advance!
I had to port my Vanilla forum from one Internet Service Provider to another. After this, updating (Check for Updates) does not work any longer - the "hourglasses" spin round and round, but nothing else happens. Any ideas what went wrong and how I can fix it?
Thanks in advance!
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Anyway, to address your problem. I'm assuming everything else works on your forum? The updater uses Ajax requests to retrieve data about each extension. It calls a file called updatecheck.php in the ajax/ folder so the first thing I would do is check the permissions on that file and folder. Also, if you're using Firefox, download the Firebug extension and enable it when you run an update check as that will give you information about what is happening to the Ajax requests.
I agree.
Anyway, to address your problem ...
Yes, everything else works, except for the notifications, but that's not so important for the moment.
The permissions for the ajax folder and files are 755; I think this is correct.
I checked the file updatecheck.php, and I assume there's something wrong in the included conf/settings.php:
$SettingsFile = $Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'].'conf/settings.php';
I'll try to find the error.
Thanks for your help, Fyorl!
Thank you for your help!
<legend>Check for Updates</legend> <form id="frmUpdateCheck" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" id="FormPostBackKey" name="FormPostBackKey" value="c4fda24c4776d32b5a2214ed520130c9" /> <div class="Errors Invisible" id="UpdateCheckErrors"></div> <ul id="UpdateCheckItems"> <li id="Core" class="UpdateChecking"> <div id="CoreName" class="Name">Vanilla 1.1.4</div> <div id="CoreDetails" class="Details">Checking for updates...</div> </li> <li id="AccountPictures" class="UpdateChecking"> <div id="AccountPicturesName" class="Name">Account Pictures 1.2</div> <div id="AccountPicturesDetails" class="Details">Checking for updates...</div>
and so on.
I only wonder why after "action=" there is no web page specified.
thanks for your help! What I get is the following:
GET updatecheck.php?RequestName=Core&PostBackKey=ea5a085d9bb2641f1efbad11c1b67c5c (501ms)ajax.js (line 1) First|[ERROR]
I don't realize what I can do with this information, because the error is not explained. Do you have any idea?
Thanks again!
On the other hand: interesting problem. Maybe I could test Vanilla on another web-space/server and see how it behaves. Weekend is coming soon ...