Vanilla Install Error

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When I use the Vanilla installer, the process dies when submitting step 2 (set database info).

Safari reports this error:
The error was: “lost network connection� (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005)

And the process dies. That database is created and populated, but step 3 never occurs. The forum is basically usable, but accessing settings.php kills the system and no changes entered can be saved.

I've see the comments in this thread, but no one ever mentions a fix.

Is it a PHP issue? Here's my info page for reference.

Thanks for any help.


  • lechlech
    edited August 2005
    I've no idea what could possibly be causing this. If you haven't set anything up really beyond this point, go ahead and see if it occurs under another browser other than safari. I'm not sure whether this is a safari issue or a server issue as I've never encountered a bug with that kind of error report. Just delete the tables created for vanilla, and try it under firefox or camino if you can. I think this could be a safari issue, altho I'd like to know for sure.
  • edited August 2005
    In Firefox, it reports this error when moving to step 3:

    Oops. We came across some problems while setting up Vanilla... It looks like you're trying to overwrite an existing installation of the Vanilla database. Are you sure you want to do this? If so, you'll need to go and manually remove the existing tables yourself.

    You might be saying to yourself: Well, go and manually remove the existing tables .... And I swear, I have. In fact, I've created whole new databases just so as not to conflict with the one it thinks its conflicting with.

    In Camino, the process just dies without going to Step 3. The URL bar reports this URL:
    I've doube and triple checked permissions.

    Again, I can get around this with an manual install. But I'm never able to customize settings, all these browsers reporting similar behavior if I try.
  • That's really strange... This sounds like one of those really rare, really stupid events where I have no idea on how to tell you to attack the issue. I'll leave this one for mark to check out when he's back from his trip. He'll most likely have a positive answer on how to deal with this if he knows what the problem is. Otherwise someone else is free to take this one if they know what's up.
  • hello, i have got the same problems to finish the vanilla installation. after step 2/3 the installer breakes up. the databases were created but later there is no way to set the admin account. do anybody has a explanation for that or knows a solution to create an admin account on phpmyadmin. thanks in advance nora
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I can't believe I missed this discussion until now. Nora, what version of php are you running? Can you email me the url to your installer.php file? (support at lussumo dot com)
  • mark: you got mail ;o) the php version is 4.3.1
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    Okay, the problem occurs when the installer tries to call PHP's html_entity_decode function on an empty value. Instead of returning an empty value, it doesn't return at all and actually stops processing the page (nice one, php).

    I assume this only happens to people with PHP 4.3.1 because it hasn't happened to me on any other php version that *I've* used.

    The fix is to change the EncodeConstantValueForSaving function in library/Utility.Constant.class.php to this:
    function EncodeConstantValueForSaving($Value) {
       if ($Value != "") {
          return str_replace("\"", "\\\"", html_entity_decode($Value, ENT_QUOTES));
       } else {
          return "";
    nora, this has been fixed in your installation and I have wiped out your database so you can start all over with a fresh install. Just open up your installer.php in your web browser and have at it.
  • just a little if/else clause.. mark, you're great. thanks for the fast assistance. hope you will take this fix to the next versions. best regards, nora
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