Wordpress integration - a working solution?

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been trying desperately to get Wordpress 2.3.2 to integrate theme-wise with Vanilla 1.4. I know there are lots of discussions on this here and on the Wordpress board, but none address the overall problems almost everyone is having.

The problem is how to get the Wordpress variables to work in a Vanilla theme. Il Filosofo has a tutorial - but it doesn't work - at least with the latest versions, anyway. Authentication problems, extension activating problems and slashed-inverted-commas are everywhere with that solution.

Surely, with all the clever Wordpress and Vanilla people around, there must be a way to integrate the themes successfully? Perhaps a Wordpress plugin that allows Vanilla coding on a page, or a Vanilla plugin that allow Wordpress coding?!



  • Il Filosofo has a tutorial - but it doesn't work - at least with the latest versions, anyway.

    Sadly, this is a big part of the problem. Wordpress is something of a moving target.

    I keep thinking about my poor languishing Janine extension and how to rewrite it, but one of the things that stymies me is how to deal with the nasty-ass WP codebase.

    I would like to see a "Wordpress Connector" extension that pulls data directly from the WP database and presents it in a clean, consistent API, and to hell with the WP functions and variables.
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