Move DiscussionPrefix() into Discussion class

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
There is a function DiscussionPrefix() function found in Vanilla.Functions.php that could be moved into the Discussion class. Then it would be nice to add a delegate to that function so that extensions could add their own tags in the prefix.

The existing DiscussionPrefix() function could remain as a stub that returns the member of the Discussion object passed to it. Or not, if you don't mind breaking existing templates.


  • For example...

    In library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Class.Discussion.php, add the following lines after line 230:
    function DiscussionPrefix() { $Prefix = ''; if (!$this->Active) $Prefix = $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextHidden'); if ($this->Sticky && $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextSticky') != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($this->Sticky) $Prefix .= $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextSticky'); if ($this->Closed && $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextClosed') != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($this->Closed) $Prefix .= $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextClosed'); if ($this->Bookmarked && $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextBookmarked') != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($this->Bookmarked) $Prefix .= $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextBookmarked'); if ($this->Sink && $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextSink') != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($this->Sink) $Prefix .= $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextSink'); if ($this->WhisperUserID > 0 && $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextWhispered') != '' && $Prefix != '') $Prefix .= ', '; if ($this->WhisperUserID > 0) $Prefix .= $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextWhispered'); $this->DelegateParameters['Prefix'] = &$Prefix; $this->CallDelegate('PostDiscussionPrefix'); if ($Prefix != '') return $this->Context->GetDefinition('TextPrefix').$Prefix.$this->Context->GetDefinition('TextSuffix').' '; }

    In library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Functions.php, replace lines 22-40 with the following:
    return $Discussion->DiscussionPrefix();
  • Nice find! Added to the bug tracker, but the change probably won't happen without Mark's approval. Themes have been broken before, and I'd personally argue against keeping backwards compatibility cruft laying around.
This discussion has been closed.