Discussions, replies and hi-jacks

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was just wondering if anyone thought being able to reply to reply (ala Digg.com) instead of posting generally to the discussion would be a useful (or even plausible) feature for Vanilla? In my forum, I often have discussion threads which seem to get derailed or hi-jacked once and while by comments that really have nothing to do with the original post. I know Vanilla wasn't architected for this functionality, so I guess I'm wondering if this was a conscious decision to keep things simple and if anyone has brought this up before?


  • You mean threaded discussions?
  • I don't know exactly... perhaps that's what you would call it. I just like how on Digg you can simply scan the replies that deal with the main subject, and choose to expand and read the replies that are off-topic only if you want to.
  • Hmm.. seems like a threaded concept but not in the typical manner. Do people have to vote off topics to collapse?
  • edited January 2008
    No, voting is not required. Basically, there are two types of replies for each discussion: One can reply generally to the discussion (ala Vanilla), and the other: one can reply generally to the discussion PLUS to each individual reply (ala Digg.com). The replies to replies are collapsed by default, but you can choose to open any one up as you read along. The added benefit is those replies on replies are not fetched by the server unless you want them.

    Check out a discussion thread on Digg for an example to see what I mean: http://digg.com/design/Cabling_As_Art
  • I started an extension to manage the tree architecture of a discussion. Try to see extension request: comments displayed as a tree # 18.
    My big problem is the pagination, but we could display everything in one page and collapse whatever is not needed.
This discussion has been closed.