What are your Top 5 Add-ons that should be in every NEW Vanilla Install?

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey Everyone? I'm getting ready to deploy a new Vanilla Forum. I love it. It's so simple and clean, and leaves all the cruft of the other forums away. What's the top 5 (± 2) Add-ons a new Vanilla Forum should have installed?


  • My Top 5 (not including dependencies):
    1. Friendly URL's
    2. Nugget
    3. FeedPublisher
    4. GuestWelcome
    5. SiteMaps
    Others I like but did not make the top 5:
    • Notify
    • Preview Post
    • Discussion Tags
    • HTMLFormatter
    • GoogleAnalytics
    • Gravatar
    • GuestPost (optional)
    • Attachments
    • DojoFiles
    • LowCalVanilla
    • DefaultPage
    • JQuery
    • Inline Images
    • PageMng
    My top add-on wishes:
    1. Trackbacks
    2. Search Engine Ping on updates
    3. Cache
    4. All-In-One-SEO for Meta Tags and Page Titles
    5. Akismet Spam Blocker (test all discussions and comments against akismet)
    6. Guest Discussions (This makes the forum more of a knowledge base)
  • There's a quite recent add-on trying to be a simple cache engine.
  • edited January 2008
    Top Five:
    1. Markdown
    2. Text Mode Switch (i.e. Worksafe Mode)
    3. Preview Post
    4. Nuggets
    5. Transmogrifier
    They're all great. Markdown does formatting very well, and it's incredibly intuitive. Text Mode Switch lets you post whatever you want and not worry about NWS stuff. Preview Post is wonderful (though you might want to switch out the .gif that comes with it for a .png of better quality). Nuggets is invaluable for a multiude of things, and Transmogrifier makes wordfiltering (for shits and giggles) along with smilies and automacros a blast. It has several serious uses, too.

    You might want to look into these, too:
    • AjaxQuote (Being able to quote stimulates discussion, and this is the best quoting extension)
    • Comment Links (Easy linking to any post you want)
    • Custom Styles (Cuts down on bitching about "this theme sucks", etc)
    • Comment Protection (For user/post-specific plaintext mode - fight the lemonparty spammers and other idiots)
    • Duplicate Email Check (Obvious reasons)
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