Ihave this problem with MySQL.....

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey :: I have the next message in the install.php page It appears as though you do not have MySQL enabled for PHP. You will need a working copy of MySQL and PHP's MySQL extensions enabled in order to run Vanilla. What Im doing wrong ??? or Whats wrong ??? Thanks !!!!! Im new with this things


  • It appears that you do not have mysql installed. And you need it. I'd suggest you ask your host about that.
  • Ok ... I re-install MySQl 5.0 and run the installer and appears the same error ... so how I can enabled MySQL for PHP or what I have to do .... HELP Im new on this !!!! Please ..... snif, snif ..... Thanks
  • Well, crying definitely won't help.

    If you have command-line access to the machine, type:
    php -i | grep -i mysql
    You should get some output that looks like this:
    mysql MySQL Support => enabled MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE => none MYSQL_SOCKET => /tmp/mysql.sock MYSQL_INCLUDE => MYSQL_LIBS => mysql.allow_persistent => Off => Off mysql.connect_timeout => 20 => 20 mysql.default_host => no value => no value mysql.default_password => no value => no value mysql.default_port => no value => no value mysql.default_socket => no value => no value mysql.default_user => no value => no value mysql.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited mysql.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited mysql.trace_mode => Off => Off

    If you don't, the MySQL extension isn't installed for the installation of PHP on the server.

    The output of uname -awill be helpful to us in figuring out how to get that PHP extension installed.
  • …and if you don't have command line access, look for mysql in the phpinfo html page (there are tons of explanation about displaying phpinfo)
  • Ok Thanks to all ... Im not crying hehe but almost, so the comman line is the console call MySQL Command Line Client? If Im right I hope and wish ... I have acces and first Y type the password and next comes mysql> and I try to type the commands rel1sh told me but no succes ... I try to study more about mysql ... give me the last hand please ..... God I feel like a rookie ..... Thanks for all and sorry for disturb ...
  • Ah, ok. Having access to the MySQL command line client is good. You also need to see that PHP has access to this as well. As other people have said, accessing the "phpinfo" page on your server is a good way to determine what you've got installed.

    Also, if you have command line access to MySQL, how did you connect? Through Windows CMD or through a terminal emulation program (PuTTY)?

    Don't worry you're not disturbing anyone. This is what forums are for. However, you may get more attentive and specific advice if you use a forum for your hosting provider or one that's specific to PHP.
  • Thanks for all. Well I have access to the command line from windows Satrt -> All Programs -> MySQL-> MySQL Server 5.0 -> MySQL command lines client :::: and I spend a few hours to understand all about phpinfo page and a lot of web sites say that I have to create it but rel1sh day that I should access to this file on my server ..... well I can not find it .... Im usinf IIS server on Win XP with the next extension http://localhost/.... well I assume that I most find phpfile right ?
  • ... well phpinfo page is the same file as php.ini ???? Thanks !!!!
  • ok ... I create the info.php and when I open it on the web browser show me a ressume of a lot of things that maybe I can understand but I can not see anything about MySQL ... just about - sql.safe_mode - and in the Variable Path and in the Variable _SERVER["Path"] ... so if it is right what I have to do .... Thanks a lot guys !!!
  • jjaassrr... well phpinfo page is the same file as php.ini ????
    Yes, and no.

    php.ini is the configuration file that PHP uses to determine how it should behave before it begins parsing and processing .php files. The phpinfo page (same information is also accessible by typing "php -i" on the command line of the server that is serving your PHP files) is a list of the "environment" that PHP is running in: which extensions are installed, the settings of variables you specified in php.ini and a bunch of other environment variables.

    Please give us your setup if you'd like any useful help.
    What is the configuration of your web server (IIS, from your previous post)? Is PHP properly installed on this machine?
    What is the configuration of your MySQL server? Is MySQL installed on the same machine as IIS and PHP?
  • It appears that you are trying to run Vanilla on a local computer. If your phpinfo does not show MySQL info, you have to find and install a version of PHP compiled with the relevant modules. Having MySQL on you box is not enough, you also need a mysql capable PHP
  • hi there :: well the configuration of IIS is simple just I install it and then in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > IIS > choose the web site with right clic of the mouse and choose in the Execute Permissions: Scripts Only and the web site is running with out problems :::::::::: And yes PHP is properly installed in the machine I just run the installer then choose IIS CGI options and thats all the version 5.2.5 :::::::::::: the configuration of MySQL 5.0 is like this: run the installer and it did all ... then I run the MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard > Detailed Configuration > Developer Machine > Multifunctional Database > skipp this step nothing to do > Decision Support > TCP / IP port 3306 enable Strict Mode > Standar Character Set > Install As Windows Service (as default) Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH > choose the password and thats all :::::::::::::::::: MySQL and PHP are installed on the same machine. So where I can find that version of PHP compiled with the relevant modules ???? and where I can find MySQL capable PHP ???? Thanks so much !!!
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