Deleting threads from page one, posts not moving accordingly?

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, Not sure of the best way to explain this, but there's a thread that requires only a few posts on the front page at any time - I was a bit slack at deleting the posts, and they spilled onto page two. Now, even though page one only has 4 posts, there are still two pages of discussions. Any way around this please!? Thanks


  • do you have deleted posts still visible?

    that might be it
  • Thanks, you could be onto something there, I checked my account and "display deleted comments" is checked, although I can't actually view any deleted comments. - unchecking it brings the page back to just one which is sweet (thanks!) - but I've no idea why it isn't showing the deleted posts.
  • also if there are whispers hidden away in there it might have something to do with it

    I'm just a fellow user so I've no backstage insight I'm afraid
  • There was a bug that was fixed in (I think) 1.1.2 that caused the numbering to get messed up... You would have to check the CountComments field in the LUM_Discussion table to make sure that it is correct.
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