What's the largest thread you have?!

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I run a well-visited forum, and the longest thread/topic on the forum has 1968 comments... so far! That got me thinking - what's your longest one?


  • I try to close mime after 30 pages (20 comments per page) and then create a "part 2" thread but sometimes things go on past 50 pages
  • I've had threads well in excess of 30,000 comments. Vanilla seems to act just fine and doesn't show much of a performance hit....BUT this can cause problems. Namely...
    1. If you do some house cleaning and delete old/inactive users, you need to make sure you also delete the comments made by those users. Not doing so will cause a very annoying behavior my users have called "page lag" where you click on a discussion and it takes you to a page past the actual last page of the thread with no comments and no add comment box, forcing you to use the previous page links to get to the actual last page. There should really be an extension to delete users because you also need to remember to change the CountComments in a Discussion as well after deleting a user's comments.
    2. If your forum is publicly indexable (by GoogleBot or the Yahoo Crawler, etc) I recently had Vanilla freak out and load up my database incredibly high while answering numerous identical queries from the GoogleBot. Strange indeed, but I would recommend against letting robots index your forum if you've got large threads.
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