Extending extensions

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, I use many excellent extensions on my forum, some of which I have made minor alterations to. Where possible I make these alterations to my conf/language.php file when it relates to text used. However, there have been a few extensions where I've made changes directly to the extension files. My concern is how to make these changes manageable when it comes to updating extensions - so far I'm simply commenting my changes but have also considered renaming the extension folder to reflect that it has been amended. I'd assume this will have implications for the update checker, though. Basically I'm wondering how other people keep track of changes they make to extensions and if anyone has any advice on doing so? Many thanks in advance.


  • If an extension makes use of delegates it should be technically possible to extend extensions. Install order may become a problem though.
  • Yeah, it occurred to me to make an extending extensions extension! But of course, it'd be hard to make it reliable.
  • I think you could safely rename the folder, I have done so to separate the different versions on my site. The attachments extension also has delegates in place to support different ways of having images in a post.
  • I need to read up on my delegates... WallPhone, am I right in saying when you rename the folder of an extension, it is no longer checked properly by the update checker?
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