Vanilla and Yahoo Groups

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Don't get me wrong...I love Vanilla! But many people I work with prefer the Yahoo Groups format over Vanilla because of two main reasons: The ability to "thread" discussions* and to receive/post comments via email. I'm not as well versed with Vanilla as most of you (or with Yahoo Groups for that matter), but does anyone know of, or already have a way to have Vanilla behave in this manner? *By "threading" I mean someone starts a discussion and someone else posts a response. Another person comes along and makes a specific comment to that persons response and not necessairly to the original post. Kind of like a subcategory...only with the discussions themselves (geez I hope that made sense!).


  • There's email notification already (search the addons), and an attempt to threaded discussions (not yet working very well, but nobody seems to be interested here).
  • It's not really the Yahoo Groups format, it's the mailing list format. I think the Usenet existed way before Yahoo Groups.
  • Grahack - Correct me if I'm wrong, but the email notification addons that I find are ways to send an email manually with a specific message from the admin to all the users...I was thinking along the lines of something more automated. Yahoo groups has an option where a user can receive an email of each post made to the group and by simply replying from within their email client and post is made into the group message area. In other words you can read and post to the forum directly via email without having to log in to the forum itself. There also some option that sends you a summary of all posts within a certain time period (a "digest" I think they call it) but I don't believe you can post to the group with that option.
  • I was thinking about Notify, but there's neither digest nor posting through emails.
  • So would it be POSSIBLE to read or post through an email client?
  • I've tried doing blog by mail with Wordpress with minimal success. As long as the email is only text, I have some success. However, if you try to send html and images, there is a lot of cleanup to do. I would imagine some of the wizards here could do it.
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