After install, no style sheet... strange

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I just re-downloaded the v1.1.4 ZIP and did a fresh install for a new website. The setup went fine, but when I went to log in, there was seemingly no CSS applied to the page. I logged in, and still, no CSS. I looked at the source code, and there wasn't any style sheet linked. I looked at my settings.php and database.php files, and they seemed good.

So I scrapped it, re-downloaded & installed, and the same thing...

But then I went to settings, clicked on vanilla theme and default style, and applied to all users. It went back to normal.

Strange. The one thing I did different from past installs was that I changed the DB table prefix. Would that affect things?


  • It may be that - any chance you could do an install somewhere without changing the prefix and see if it works so we can narrow it down?
  • edited January 2008
    OK, I did 2 test installs, using the same ZIP file.

    The first time, I left the prefix as "LUM_", and everything went fine.
    The second, I entered all the same data, but changed the table prefix to "TEST_". Again, the CSS wasn't linked right. Looking at the page source, this is what I got:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vanilla.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vanilla.print.css" media="print" />

    That should be "themes/vanilla/styles/default/vanilla.css" or whatever.
  • I can confirm this bug. Happens whenever the prefix is set to something other than LUM_. It's odd, though because the path is set properly in conf/settings.php. ::Researches:: Actually, there are entries in the style table for the default prefix, and none for the modified install. Not only that, but the userRoleHistory is also empty, when it should have an entry for the creation of the Admin account. Something is erroring out the installer, probably after creating the administrative user, that keeps the role history and the style tables from being built. I'll see about getting a patch in svn.
  • edited January 2008
    It should be already patch in the trunk:
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